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Danlers, RESLOAD RESLOADE Resistive Load Unit

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Danlers, RESLOAD RESLOADE Resistive Load UnitDanlers, RESLOAD RESLOADE Resistive Load Unit
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  • Danlers, RESLOADE Resistive Load Unit
  • Danlers, RESLOADE Resistive Load Unit
  • Danlers, RESLOADE Resistive Load Unit
  • Resloade dimensions
  • Resloade wiring diagram

Overview -

DANLERS RESLOAD / RESLOADE is for use with DANLERS trailing edge dimmers to eliminate lamp instability and flicker when dimming non-resistive loads such as mains directly dimmable LED lamps or dimmable transformers.

RESLOADE may also be suitable for use with other manufacturers dimmers when dimming non-resistive loads such as mains directly dimmable LED lamps or dimmable transformers.

- Lighting load resistor used to resolve low load issues.
- Can be used to provide a dummy load to a lighting circuit to prevent flickering effect.
- Can be used with dimmable LEDs

RESLOADE has an operating temperature of approximately 40°C above ambient and has an effective load of 10W. It is easy to install and with its new design (dimensions 130mm L x 60mm dia) can easily pass through a 63mm ceiling cut out. It should be installed where air flow is not restricted. It should not be covered by insulating materials or positioned near any heat sources or heat sensitive objects.

The perfect partner for DANLERS Trailing Edge Grid Dimming Modules.

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Excl. Tax: £24.90 Incl. Tax: £29.88


DANLERS RESLOAD / RESLOADE is for use with DANLERS trailing edge dimmers to eliminate lamp instability and flicker when dimming non-resistive loads such as mains directly dimmable LED lamps or dimmable transformers.

RESLOADE may also be suitable for use with other manufacturers dimmers when dimming non-resistive loads such as mains directly dimmable LED lamps or dimmable transformers.

- Lighting load resistor used to resolve low load issues.
- Can be used to provide a dummy load to a lighting circuit to prevent flickering effect.
- Can be used with dimmable LEDs

RESLOADE has an operating temperature of approximately 40°C above ambient and has an effective load of 10W. It is easy to install and with its new design (dimensions 130mm L x 60mm dia) can easily pass through a 63mm ceiling cut out. It should be installed where air flow is not restricted. It should not be covered by insulating materials or positioned near any heat sources or heat sensitive objects.

The perfect partner for DANLERS Trailing Edge Grid Dimming Modules.

Product Specifications

: Danlers
: 230 to 240VAC
: 10W eff. load
: 3 Years
: 130mm L
: 60mm
: New

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