Energy Efficient Lighting


LEDs Take to the Streets



In three years’ time, Sheffield will no longer be visible from the peak district at night.

The city is replacing all its 68,000 streetlights with white LED lamps, reducing light pollution while aiming to cut energy consumption by 40 per cent. The LED streetlights are remotely controlled by a system that detects lamps in need of repair and alerts maintenance staff, and the lamps can be dimmed or brightened street by street or even lamp by lamp.

According to the city council, the project, which started in 2012, will take five years to complete



North East Lincolnshire Council is hoping to complete two tasks at once: improving street safety while saving energy with LED streetlights.  Over the next two


years, 16,500 orange sodium streetlights will be replaced with white LEDs.

The council has invested £8.2 million in the project, and expects the new light sources to have operating lives of 104,000 hours, compared with 18,000 for the

Jason Longhurst, head of development services at the council, says:  ‘Lower running costs means we will limit the impact of rising energy costs that we are all seeing. But there are also wider social benefits, such as making the area more attractive and making people feel safer.’old lamps.

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